What is the Open Bank Project

Open Bank Project is an open source API for banks that provides a RESTful interface for developers to build customer facing applications without needing to code for each bank or account type differently.

What sort of applications can I build with the Open Bank Project API?

  • Customer facing retail banking and fintech applications for consumers, SMEs, associations, charities, governments and NGOs etc
  • Personal Finance Management (PFM) Solutions
  • Online accounting integrations
  • Financial widgets, Savings Apps, Education Apps, Gamification
  • Peace of Mind Apps, Transparency Apps, Crowd funding, on boarding, CRM etc..

What data and services can I access?

An Open Bank Project instance can contain simulated customer related data. With real bank integrations, this can be real account data.

APIs include

  • Account information, balance and transaction history of multiple bank accounts
  • Initiate payments
  • Onboard Customers (KYC etc.)
  • Enrich bank transactions with metadata (tags, comments, urls and geolocation) for example to link a receipt or video to a transaction
  • Create/Access different views on accounts. Each view grants a subset of the data to a restricted group of users. For example, a customer could offer special views on his account to his accountants, auditors or regulators. A charity might open their accounts to the public